Adding Storage Space To Your Pop-Up Camper

Automotive Blog

Pop-up campers are a wonderful camping solution to those who don't have a big, powerful truck to pull a trailer or just want something better than a tent to spend their nights. Unfortunately, these lightweight camping structures don't allow for a lot of storage space inside and can cause things to feel a bit cramped and unlivable. If you are considering buying a pop-up camper or already own one, these tips can help you find storage solutions to make your stay much more enjoyable and less cramped.

Tension Rod Shelving

The area above the toilet and countertops can be filled with some shelving units that can easily be put up and removed. Shower tension rods, slotted upright brackets, closet pole sockets, wire shelving, locking support brackets and self-tapping screws are all you need.

Attach the slotted upright brackets to the tension rods with the screws. Position the rods where they will be placed, slide the locking support brackets into the slots and place the shelving on top of them. Of course there will be some trimming to do to ensure that the shelving pieces are the correct length, but all in all, this is an easy project you can have done in no time.

After the shelving is in place, you can purchase light-weight plastic drawer sets to place on the shelves to store things like your toiletries where they will be easy to access and won't get dirty.

Under-Seat Storage

The storage areas underneath the seats can be very useful. You can store just about anything in there, but it can be aggravating trying to access what is stored under there. Instead of constantly battling with moving everything that is on the seats and lifting the cushions out of the way, you can install an access door on the outside of the camper. This will make it possible to add things to the camper after you have it all loaded up or easily reach in for a snack when you are enjoying time outside of the camper.

Outdoor Towel Racks

Instead of slinging your wet towels over a tree branch and hoping that the bugs don't find a home in them, you can install a towel rack to the underside of the bunkend. All it takes is a couple of brackets, some good screws and a metal bar. Once installed, you will have an easy place to hang your towels, swimsuits, and anything else that needs to dry.

Don't overlook the possibilities of having a comfortable stay in your pop-up camper. A little creativity can solve just about any storage issue that you may have.


29 March 2016

Narrowing Down Your Car Choices

After our family sedan died, I realized that we needed to focus on finding a new car. I was really frustrated because I had no idea what was out there or what would work best for my family. I started focusing on finding a car that was large enough, and that simple action really made things a lot easier for me. I tracked down a dealership that had mid-size and large SUVs, and I was able to find the right car. This blog is all about narrowing down your car choices, so that you can enjoy your new car and keep your family safe.