Four Things To Know About Nitrogen-Filled Tires

Automotive Blog

Nitrogen, once popular solely in the racing and airline industries, has gained some popularity in recent years for use in automotive tires. If you've been hearing discussion about nitrogen-filled tires but wonder what the big deal is, this article will help you understand. Here are some things you should know about nitrogen and your tires before you decide if you're going to use it.

Nitrogen is drier than air.

Any time air is compressed, as it is to fill tires, it generates condensation. The moisture can accumulate inside your tire when you fill it, causing oxidation of the rims. Over time, that oxidation can result in flaking rust that may damage the tire. Since nitrogen doesn't develop any condensation as part of its compression, you don't have to worry about this type of risk.

Nitrogen produces a more constant pressure level.

Air pressure can fluctuate due to ambient temperature, and air can even seep through porous rims. That means that your car's tire pressure isn't likely to be as consistent as you might want. This can cause uneven tire wear and poor handling. Nitrogen isn't affected by the cold, so its pressure level won't fluctuate in the cold weather. In addition, it's denser than air, so it isn't as likely to seep through the rims.

Nitrogen disperses heat evenly.

Since nitrogen molecules can disperse heat consistently, it allows the tires to run cooler than those filled with air. The minimal heat accumulation can also help you protect your tires from the more drastic heating and cooling cycles that air causes, reducing thermal damage and structural weakening that can occur.

Nitrogen is easier on the tires in general.

The consistency of both the pressure and temperature in nitrogen will reduce the overall wear on the tire, ensuring more consistent tread wear patterns. This helps you get longer life from your tires. Since the rubber won't heat up as much, it won't soften to the same extent as other tires. In addition, the pressure consistency keeps the tires balanced, which minimizes the drag on the rubber.

These are four key things that every car owner should understand about nitrogen before deciding whether or not to replace their tire fill with it. If you're interested in switching your tires to nitrogen, talk with a local tire technician. To swap your tires to nitrogen, the technician will purge the air from inside the tires. He or she can then put the tire on a balance machine after the fill to ensure proper balance. For other tire questions, look to a company like Euro-Tire.


24 July 2016

Narrowing Down Your Car Choices

After our family sedan died, I realized that we needed to focus on finding a new car. I was really frustrated because I had no idea what was out there or what would work best for my family. I started focusing on finding a car that was large enough, and that simple action really made things a lot easier for me. I tracked down a dealership that had mid-size and large SUVs, and I was able to find the right car. This blog is all about narrowing down your car choices, so that you can enjoy your new car and keep your family safe.